We would like to announce that the Canadian Menopause Society/Pfizer Menopause Awards (CMS/Pfizer Menopause Award) is back for 2023 and 2024. This award is to support a physician (specialist/family physician/physician trainee) or a health care professional (pharmacist or menopause nurse) with special interest in menopause to conduct a relevant research project in the area of menopausal health. There will be three candidates in 2023 and another three candidates in 2024 in the amount of up to $10,000 per candidate over a 12-month period. While the major focus of the award is for young physicians (medical students/residents/fellows, or within 5 years of practice), mature candidates who wish to switch their practice to menopausal practice may also apply. Other health care professionals (pharmacists, nurses and postgraduate students) may also apply for the award.
The candidates will be chosen by our Award Committee which is chaired by Dr. Robert Reid, and comprised of Dr. Michel Fortier, Dr. Timothy Rowe and a Pfizer representative. Physician in training or postgraduate student must have a supervisor who is a member of the Canadian Menopause Society. The supervisor will acknowledge supervision and overall responsibility for the project. Funds will be made available to the supervisor or supervisor’s institute. Physician in practice who applies for the award must be a member of the CMS and has to acknowledge the responsibility of conducting the project to its completion.
Applications will be evaluated on the following criteria by the Award Committee:
o Scientific merit: potential and relevance for contribution in the knowledge of menopausal health
o Feasibility: proposed design, method and analysis, proposed timelines
Eligible proposals will include:
o Clinical, translational or interventional trials
o Outcomes/epidemiological research (pharmacoeconoics/economic/disease management)
o Secondary analysis of existing data sets
o Quality improvement and educational scholarship
o Clinical trial involving human participants has to follow the GCP guideline and has to be approved by the Ethics Committee
o Basic science research project is outside the scope of the award
The award application is open now. Please email sigmacms@telus.net to submit your application. The awardees will be invited to our next national conference in 2023 to present their projects and findings. Please click here for Submission Guidelines