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Annual Report 2017

Annual General Meeting 2017


Date: July 23, 2017
Time: 08:40
Place: SIGMA Office, Vancouver and teleconference


Drs. Celine Bouchard, Christine Derzko, Michel Fortier, Vicki Holmes, Elaine Jolly, Tim Rowe, Chui Kin Yuen, Nese Yuksel

Tele-conference participants:
Drs. Robert Reid, Tami Shandro

Dr. Marie-Andrée Champagne, Ms. Dragana Skokovic-Sunjic


  1. The meeting was called to order at 8:40am.
  2. The agenda was approved. It was moved by Dr. Yuen, and seconded by Dr. Fortier.
  3. Minutes from last Annual General Meeting on Dec 1, 2016 was approved. It was moved by Dr. Jolly, and seconded by Dr. Derzko. 
  4. Dr. Yuen presented a brief update on the progress of the form of the new federal entity. The corporation application has been submitted. The name “Canadian Menopause Society (SIGMA)" has been registered.
  5. Review of financial statements 
    The financial statements for year 2016 and 2017 (up to and including June) were presented to the members. The society remains at a healthy financial structure. There were no special concerns raised by the members in attendance.  The need for an audit was discussed. It was agreed that due to the size of the current organization, there is no need for auditing services at this moment. The presented financial statements were approved. It was moved by Dr. Rowe, and seconded by Dr. Holmes. 
  6. A special resolution to approve the distribution of the current Society’s assets to and the assumption of the current Society’s debts and liabilities by the newly formed Canadian Menopause Society (SIGMA) was moved by Dr. Jolly and seconded by Dr. Reid. The special resolution was approved unanimously.
  7. There was discussion on the Assumption and Distribution Agreement between the current Society and Canadian Menopause Society (SIGMA). An amendment to add the new entity’s corresponding French name Société Canadienne de Ménopause (SIGMA) to the agreement was moved by Dr. Bouchard, and seconded by Dr. Derzko. The agreement was approved unanimously.
  8. Ordinary resolution to approve the dissolution of the current Society was moved by Dr. Holmes and seconded by Dr. Yuksel. The ordinary resolution was approved unanimously.
  9. Report from the Executive Director
    Dr. Yuen reviewed a few past events:
    a) 2016 Saskatoon regional conference was held on April 30, 2016 in Saskatoon.
    b) 2017 Edmonton regional conference was held on April 29, 2017 in Edmonton.  Co-chairs Dr Yuksel and Dr Shandro provided an update.
    c) 2017 JAM was our first CPD event in French hosted by Dr. Foriter and his team. It was held in Ste-Anne, Beaupre, Quebec in February, 2017.
    d) 2017 SIGMA Distinguished Lecture Series. The series have covered nine cities across Canada. Two more lectures are scheduled. One will be in Toronto on Sep 15, and another one in Vancouver on Sep 22.
    e) The alternation between national conference and regional conference was again discussed. Members agreed that we should continue to host the national conferences every two years, and every year for the regional conference.
  10. Report from the President
    Dr. Jolly reported updates for the organization of the pre-congress presentation at the upcoming IMS 16th World Congress on Menopause in Vancouver 2018. She also reminded that the next World Menopause Awareness Day will be on Oct 18, 2017. A new patient information leaflet and white paper are being developed from IMS.  SIGMA will help promote awareness of the day in Canada through social media outreach.
  11. Elections of Board of Directors
    Dr. Yuen reviewed the process of the elections of the board of directors. The current board will transition to the new entity for another year. Half of the board positions will be re-elected in the following year.
  12. Other business
    a) IMS 16th World Congress on Menopause
    A few topics in regarding to the organization of the upcoming World Congress were discussed: Ambassador expectations; Funding; Opening ceremonies (Dr. Yuen suggested to have a multicultural theme).
    Dr. Jolly emphasized and encouraged all members to help promote the IMS Vancouver congress.

    b) Membership related issue
    Membership auto-renewal was discussed. Free webinar development was suggested as an effective way to attract more new members.
  13. Meeting adjourned at 10:20am.