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Annual Report 2014

Annual General Meeting 2014

Date: June 9, 2014
Time: 8 PM to 11 PM
Place: Four Points Sheraton, Niagara Falls

Drs. Black, Derzko, Goldstein, Gustafson, Jolly, Stauffer, Wolfman, Yuen
Regrets: Drs Fortier, Holmes, Yuksel

Light dinner served before the meeting at 8 PM


1.   The meeting was called to order at 8:30.

2.   The minutes of the May 3rd, 2013 AGM were approved unanimously.

3.   President’s Report from Dr. Jolly
Dr. Jolly spoke on the following items: i) SIMGA 2nd National Menopause Conference will take place next year. Lengthy discussion on the Conference as outlined later in the minutes. ii) SIGMA activities in IMS- She is now serving on the IMS Board. The executive director, Dr. Yuen is now the treasurer of the Council of Affiliated Menopause Societies (CAMS) of IMS. iii) SIGMA will host the IMS World Congress 2018 in Vancouver, BC.

4.   Executive’s Report from Dr. Yuen
a.    Financial Statements were briefly presented and approved.

b.   The SOGC Symposium at Niagara Falls will be held on Tuesday, June 10 from 13:30 – 17:00. The program is as follows:
Title: Primer on Menopause
i.   Moderator: Elaine Jolly
ii.   Denise Black- “Hormone Therapy – Risks and Benefits: The Pendulum Swings Back”
iii.   Kerstin Gustafson-“Estrogens, Progesterone and Progestins”
iv.   Wendy Wolfman- “Testosterone and SERMS: What’s New and What’s Coming?”
v.   Michel Fortier- “Review of 2014 SOGC Guidelines on Menopause, Sexuality and Osteoporosis”

c.    NAMS Symposium at Washington: to be held on Friday October 17, 2014 from 4:15 PM to 5:30 PM. The program is as follows:
i.   Moderator: Drs. Elaine Jolly/C. K. Yuen – Elaine has to leave for Friday for 50th anniversary of medical school reunion so Kin moderate the session.
ii.   Sukhbir Sony Singh- “New Paradigms for Fibroid Management
iii.   Aliya Khan- “The Dilemma of Managing Pre- and Perimenopausal Bone Health
Both speakers have been confirmed.

d.   SIGMA Menopause Conference/Annual Meeting
i.   Venue will be in Toronto
ii.   The date is tentatively scheduled for April, 2015

e.   Dr. Yuen reports that there has been challenge in getting funding from our partners. Kin has obtained an unrestricted education grant of $5000 for the NAMS symposium. In addition, he has approached other partners for new editions of some of the brochures.

5.   New Business:
SIGMA 2nd Menopause Conference:
i.    Committee Members:
a.   National Core Committee: Drs. Black, Fortier, Jolly and Yuen
b.   Local Core Committee: Drs. Derzko, Goldstein
c.    National Scientific Members: Drs. Bouchard , Delisle, Gustafson, Holmes, , Kuntz, Stauffer, Yuksel
d.   Local Scientific MembersL Drs. Brown, Josse, Shapiro, Wolfman

ii.       Considerable time was spent on the 2nd National Menopause Conference 2015. 
Both Drs. Goldstein and Wolfman pointed out that there is a women’s health program (mainly on menopause) already scheduled around that time. After further discuss, the core committee will revaluate the time and will report to the full committee.

iii.      Drs. Jolly and Yuen will visit potential venue sites in Toronto on Friday, June 13

iv.      Potential topics discussed; core committee will draft a scientific program

6.   Meeting adjourned around 11 PM.